Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Largest Tax Increase in History to Become Law This Friday

Does that surprise you? Our left wing kook run government is counting on it.

Henry Waxman's climate change bill is scheduled to be voted on this Friday, the 26th. The contents of the bill, all 1200 pages of it, still have not been made available for members of the House or the general public to view. This bill has been crafted in secret by Waxman and a handful of other left wing eco-nazis. The cornerstone of the bill is Cap and Trade.

By ramming it through the House in this fashion, Pelosi, Waxman, and Obama prevent the Congress and the Public from knowing what is happening until after it's too late to do anything about it. These people are like a bunch of roaches - they do their work hidden, out of sight. Open the lid to the trashcan and shine a light on them, and they scatter. That's what they are afraid of - if Congress and the People get to see what is in this before the vote is taken, there is a very good chance enough Dems will be so sickened by it that it will not pass. They cannot allow disclosure, cannot allow us to know what they are doing.

This bill will fundamentaly change business in the United States. It will drive many companies out of business -many more will be forced to move their operations off shore. It will forever raise the amount of money each citizen has to pay in taxes and increases in energy costs. The latest estimates I have seen put the figure at $4500 per year, per citizen, in increased costs due solely to the provisions of this bill. That's PER PERSON.

Our only hope is in the US Senate. Once the House passes the bill, it goes there for modification and a vote for ratification. Modification is unlikely - Waxman worked with a few ultra-left wing Senators on the bill, dragging them into the process so that it looks like both sides of Congress produced it. Republican sponsored changes are likely not to be allowed to be heard, much less voted on. Republicans have some procedural methods they can use to stall the bill, to try and force changes or get it killed altogether. Chances of that are slim, but they've got to try.

Update - the House passed the bill late Friday afternoon, 219-212. It was a lot closer than the Dems had predicted, but you can still thank 7 a*holes for the largest tax increase in history. The close vote indicates a lot of Dems sided against the bill. We can only hope the Senate turns out differently.

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