Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Cult of " I "

It seems that people are noticing more and more how Obama the Immaculate really believes He is The Chosen One. Almost everything He says is wrapped around 'I' or 'My'. You just don't hear Him say 'we' very much.

A few weeks ago, I saw a breakdown on the internet of a speech He gave about foreign policy. In reference to foreign policies of the United States, He stated 'I' or 'My' 37 times, with not a single utterance of 'we'.

Listen to His speeches or interviews ... He acts as if He IS the United States. In Obama's mind, everything is about government, and everything about government is about Him.

I don't recall any other high level government official that has ever been this self centered, this self absorbed. Even Bill Clinton wasn't this bad ....

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