Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Obama Care is Right Around the Corner

Obama the Immaculate and his pet monkeys in the Senate and House are going to ram through their healthcare reform in August. This legislation, the most fundamental change in American Society since slavery was abolished, will be forced through unseen, not understood, ill defined, and under-funded. This is being done on purpose.

This is the track record of this administration - force through very important legislation at the speed of light, before anyone knows what has happaned. Why - because they know that none of the crap they are doing will stand up to scrutiny. The American People will not stand for what he is doing, if they are given the chance to understand what it is. The Congress knows this, and most of them will not support the legislation, if they are given the chance to understand what they are voting for. He cannot afford to allow his agenda to be seen in the light of day ...

Socialized medicine, paid for by the 'rich', is just around the corner. It will be law before you even know it.

Here is a chart, released by House Republicans, defining as a flowchart how Obamacare will work. Instead of you giving a call to your family doctor for an appointment, this is what will happen. Notice the distance on this chart between the healthcare providers and the consumer. Granted, this was produced by Republicans, but from careful study of the Democrat proposals and existing government agencies - it isn't made up. Take a look at this, and see how well you think it will work for you and your family...

1 comment:

Margot said...

I know. You are right. I am afraid that no matter what grassroot organizations do, it will get through. I am not very good about "preventative medicine", but it scares me to death about my children.

I keep envisioning myself in a house with only candlelight (after cap and tax), food lines and sick kids that I can't get a doctor to see -it isn't looking any better.