Sunday, April 12, 2009

I'd Like to Have Hillary's Makeup Concession

Ok, I make no apologies for being a Clinton hater. However, it sure would be nice to have Hillary's makeup concession these days. The company that does has to be getting rich. Above, a photo of her at a recent press conference, all made up and primped for the cameras. Below, caught by cameras without the benefit of hours in the makeup chair .....

Both of these photos were shot within the past six months ...

What surprises me is that the pounds of plaster they apply to her face as makeup doesn't crack and fall off under camera lights, or when she's out in the weather. I wonder how many makeup artists travel with her (at taxpayer's expense, of course) when she goes out on the road to impress all those foreign dignitaries.

Looking at this, I really don't blame Bill for cruising for interns ....


Kath said...

Honestly, I think she is a big a liar as he is.

When you go back and read "their story" -- I don't know why they got married, seems she was just as conniving back then. But if you were going to hook up with somebody you thought was going to go some place in politics, would you have thought it was him???
I don't understand it. They're both creepy.

Kath said...

Oh, meant to say, too -- wait until she's done with this job what she's going to look like. It ain't going to be pretty.