Thursday, April 2, 2009

Clinton Declares War on Terror Over

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared the War on Terror is over, while speaking with reporters at The Hague.

"The (Obama) administration has stopped using the phrase and I think that speaks for itself. Obviously." - Hillary Clinton, Mar.31 2009

Well, isn't that special. Harry Reid declared the war in Iraq lost on the Senate floor last year. Now Clinton declares the War on Terror over. Since we haven't won the war yet, I guess she means that we give up. I guess that Obama's idea of gaining international friends begins with giving up and retreating.

Let's see, wasn't it the Clinton administration that turned the other cheek to terrorism in the 1990s, a policy that alowed 9/11 to happen? The Democrats were pissed off that 9/11 happened on George Bush's watch, this is the first step in making sure the next 9/11 does happen while Obama is in office.

1 comment:

67Cougar said...

Joe Biden, on the Sunday talk show circuit this past weekend, admitted that there was indeed still a war on terror going on. However, in the reign of Obama, continuiing to call it as such ties them to the policies of the Bush Administration (which by the way kept us safe on our soil since 9/11), and angers the rest of the world.

Well, Joe, it certainly does anger the rest of the world - the parts of the world who want to kill us and destroy America. Wow, we certainly don't want to piss of those folks, do we?

Joe Biden is a horrendously stupid clown.