Friday, April 17, 2009

Coleman Shows Class, Franken is an Ass

Sen. Norm Colement (R-MN) caught a far left wing nutjob throwing eggs at his house Thursday evening, after a crooked Democrat judge in Minnesota declared that Al Franken had won the Minnesota Senate race.

Coleman heard an egg hit the house, walked outside, and the man on abike threw another egg at him, and cussed him out. Coleman, using the class he has shown throughtout this whole horrid Democrat attempt to steal his Senate seat, dodged the egg.

Police have not arrested the assailant, who was caught on security cameras pedaling away as fast as his short little legs would move. A nearby surveillance camera provided an image, and police are asking for help apprehending this man, considered mentally ill, armed, and extremely dangerous:


Kath said...

For the life of me, I cannot understand that whole mess of Franken/Coleman. What a joke. But I guess when you look at who can get elected these days -- why not??

(And that picture is horrendous!!)

67Cougar said...

I believe the photo is a photoshop'd fake, but it fits that a*hole perfectly.