Tuesday, March 23, 2010

12/7 ... 9/11 ... 3/21

Three dates, representing the three biggest attacks on the United States of America.

Three dates that will live in infamy ...

Three dates that clearly defined our enemies ...

Three dates that called for clear, decisive action ...

12/7 - galvanized the American people to rise up and fight evil that threatened us on a worldwide stage ...

9/11 - galvanized our people for a very short period of time to fight another worldwide threat, only to see deep divisions develop between Americans who wanted to fight to defend our country, our way of life, versus those who wanted to turn a blind eye and appease our enemies in the hope that they would suddenly turn nice.

3/21 - split our people like no internal issue since slavery has. A date that saw the greatest internally generated threat to our country since the Civil War, forced upon us by a far left minority of the population.

America's recovery from December 7, 1941 was powerful.

America's recovery from September 11, 2001, is strong, and ongoing.

Let's hope that America's recovery from March 21, 2010 is just as robust.