Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Global Warming Scam Gone Mad

Japan's All Nippon Airlines (ANA) has started a 1 month trial program where uniformed representatives located at the gate will ask all passengers boarding the flight to go to the bathroom to relieve themselves before being allowed on the plane.

The stated goal of this is to reduce the flight's carbon footprint by lightening the load. The airline figures that if 150 people are on the flight, and everyone is filled up with pee, this could lighten the takeoff weight of the aircraft by 64 kilograms. This will means the flight uses slightly less fuel. The airline stated they expect a five ton reduction in carbon emissions over the one month test period.

I'm sorry, but if someone in an airline uniform (or anyone else except my doctor) walks up to me and tells me I have to go to the bathroom for them, I'll probably whip it out and piss on their leg right there.

This is eco-nazism at its worst. I cannot believe that an airline actualy thinks they're helping the world by doing this. Algore must own their stock.

BTW, this is real, not another one of those stupid Japanese game shows gone mad ....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like that 67 "eco-nazism" lol. These are the kind of people you hope get healed or die before you have to deal with them personally.