Thursday, October 24, 2013

FaceBook - The Rise of the First Galactic Empire

Cue ... menacing Darkside background music from Star Wars ...

Those of you who use FaceBook, I hope you are now aware of this;

Facebook's recent change to its privacy policy is more than that. They are stating, in essence, that anything you post to their site becomes their property, and they will share it with whomever they wish.

As evidence, I tried to share a link to a Fox News story this morning. I have nothing against Fox News, I really do like them. However, a small box appeared stating that Facebook was going to provide the Fox News community with ALL of my account and profile information. I hit the cancel button immediately.

Please presume that anything you post to Facebook is instantly going to become public domain knowledge or property. It doesn't matter that you consider it to be private, or copyrighted, or whatever. You have given it to them by posting it, and you can't un-give it.

For those of you who have been wondering how Facebook makes money, while 'giving' their service away to millions upon millions of people - well here it is. They are selling your private information to whomever will pay for it.


Here are some instructions Steve C forwarded that can cut down a little on what parts of your information are shared ...

Hello to all of you who are on my list of contacts of Facebook. I haven't wanted to do this, but after finding all of my photos located on another site, I would like to ask a favor of you…. You may not know that Facebook has changed its privacy configuration once again. Thanks to the new “Graphic app”, any person on FB anywhere in the world can see our photos, our “likes” and our “comments”. During the next 24 hrs , I am going to keep this message posted and I ask you to do the following and comment “DONE”. Those of my friends who do not maintain my information in private will be eliminated from my list of friends, because I want ...the information I share with you, my friends, to remain among my friends and not be available to the whole world. I want to be able to publish photos of my friends and family without strangers being able to see them, which is what happens now when you choose “like” or “comment”. Unfortunately we cannot change this configuration because FB has made it like this.
1. So, please, place your cursor over my photo that appears in this box (without clicking) and a window will open.
2. Now move the cursor to the word “Friends”, again without clicking and then on “Settings”.
3. UN-check “Life Events” and “Comments and Like”. This way my activity with my family and friends will no longer be made public.
4. Now, copy and paste this text on your own wall (do not “share” it!). Once I see it published on your page, I will UN-check the same.

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