Monday, November 23, 2009

Hey Rich Folks, Bend Over

The sur-tax being levied against 'rich' people to fund Obamacare, as defined in the Senate version of the bill, is just the first attack on people who have a decent amount of money. Get ready, all you 'rich' people ... Democrats think you are a never ending supply of money for their efforts to destroy this country.

The latest example - Democrats are floating the idea of taxing 'rich' people to fund the Afghanistan War. Yes, another 5% or your income taken away from you to supposedly fund our efforts in Afghanistan. Apparently, Democrat leadership in Congress has determined that it can't find the $40 billion needed per year to support our troops there - and are now calling for either the 'rich' tax, or withdrawl of our troops - because we can't afford the war.

This is in addition to the 5% of your income that will be confiscated to pay for Obamacare. Think of that - the 'rich' tax bracket will be right at 50% if both of these measures are passed. What is even more sinister is that the Democrats have a sliding scale when it comes to defining 'rich'. You folks earning $75K per year, don't be surprised if you find yourself declared 'rich' next year.

Hypocritical bastards ....

They can burn through billions in social programs, programs that are not needed and designed to do nothing but increase the size and control of government, but they can't find a very small (to them) amount of money to fund the war? $40 billion is chump change to Democrats, not worthy of even mentioning, if it is spent on their social programs ... but an incredibly large sum that will bankrupt the country if it is being spent on our troops.

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