Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How Republicans Can Win Back Congress

Everyone in mainstream media seems to know how Republicans need to reinvent the party in order to become relevant again. They have pronounced the GOP dead, buried, and irrelevant. Does anyone in their right mind think that these liberal media types actually want the GOP to be successful? Of course not ... So, why are they offering their opinions so strongly on how it needs to be fixed?

The results of the last election were poor for Republicans, that is a fact. However, why it was so bad has been misrepresented, on purpose. If you just listened to CNN, you would think that the GOP got thrashed because it was too conservative. Bullshit. It got thrashed because it was trying to act like pseudo-Democrats, didn't have a coherent message, and had a presidential candidate who was weak and really didn't want to be elected. This mess caused many strong Republican voters to stay home rather than vote. A lot of them did this as a protest, to show that they wouldn't support a candidate that didn't represent their views. Unfortunately, that protest has led to Obama and his henchmen being in full control of the government.

Moderate Republicans, like Steele, Powell, McCain ... are demanding that Republicans tack more to the left, to adopt more of the Democrat ways of big government, high taxes, and socialism ... in order to regain standing with the country's voters.

Bullshit ... that is just stupid.

Becoming the pseudo-Democrat Party, or Democrat Lite is a way to make sure the party will be impotent and irrelevant for years to come. Does anyone in their right mind think that a leftist, given the choice between a real left wing Democrat and a Democrat Lite, will choose Lite?

Becoming the Democrat Lite party will not gain the GOP a single vote. Indeed, it will lose them millions of votes, those who would be cast by the conservatives the party is abandoning. Remember that 55 million folks voted Rpublican in the last presidential election (that's more votes than Bill Clinton received in either of his successful election bids!). That's a lot of votes to lose.

Ronald Reagan won two landslides by running as a conservative Republican. The Congressional Sweep of 1994 happened because it was led and represented conservative ideals. Bush 41 and 43 won their elections because they were running against weak far left candidates, and were sporting a semi-conservative message. History shows that conservatism wins national elections. If Reagan had been running against Obama, the GOP would have the White House and the Senate - and the elections wouldn't have been that close.

GOP leadership is trying to distance themselves from the legacy of Reagan. Democrats and mainstream media are encouraging them to do so - to keep them weak and out of power.

Obama is destroying this country. The backlash against his socialism, big government, and sky high taxes has already started, and we're only 120 days into his regime. Retaking the Senate and a good portion of the House in 2010 is very doable. The White House in 2012 should be a slam dunk. However, it isn't going to happen unless the Republican leadership pulls their heads out of their collective asses, find the next Reagan and get him/her out in front of the Party, and stop this stupid non-sense of being pseudo-Democrats.

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