Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Un-F***ing Believable

Republican Scott Brown's victory in the Mass Senate race yesterday is one of those cornerstone moments in politics. I'm not going to try and analyze it, but I do have some thoughts ...

Obama, Reid, and Pelosi can't hide from this one. They shrugged off losses in New Jersey and Virginia as just local issue elections. This was not. Both sides made this a referendum on Obama's policies, and Obamacare in particular. This was a vote, by the most liberal state in the Union, against those policies.

"The People's Seat" will become one of those historic political quotes that everyone remembers, kind of like "The Buck Stops Here".

The Democrat candidate, Martha Coakley, was blaming Bush yesterday. When asked about her falling poll numbers and whether they were caused by voter anger, she responded by stating that the voters are very angry about the previous administration.

I channel surfed a bit after the polls closed, curious as to how this was being reported by the major 'news' organizations:

MSNBC - I started with the Olbermann show. This guy is a brain scrambled psychopath. His hatred of conservatives and anyone in the Bush Administration is comical to watch. People really get upset that he is on the air - I love it. He is a poster child for modern Democrat Party. I tuned in later for some woman I had never heard of, and it was just anti-Republican, anti-Bush drool. It is no wonder this network has the lowest (by far) ratings of any of these type of channels.

CNN - Blitzer actually sounded coherent, but his 'most respected panel in politics' was laughable. These five goofs were so shocked that they couldn't form a coherent thought, and kept trying to talk over each other so much that you couldn't understand anything they said. Pathetic.

BBC America - normally to the left of CNN, and they held fast last night. Their anchors simply could not comprehend how anyone who is against Obama could win an election.

FoxNews - Typical pro-right stance, but at least they could be understood. Since I agree with their viewpoints, it was much more watchable - at least to me.

The finger pointing by state and Washington based Democrats is hilarious. Seeing the scathing comments flying back and forth about what caused this result is further evidence of the hatred that its the basis of the modern Democrat Party.

I am surprised by the lack of voter fraud issues being reported. This is due to two things, I think: First, this election was a slam dunk for Democrats, and the Democrat vote manufacturing machine didn't think they would be needed. ACORN and the rest of them simply weren't deployed in time to make any difference. Second, the 100,000 plus vote difference would have required voter fraud on an unprecedented level for a local election. I am very glad that the margin was so large that there is no question of Democrats contesting it.

If Democrats in Congress are smart, they will take hard notice of this, and curb their headlong race towards Socialism. They've got to realize that if they continue, the American voters are going to bounce them out on their asses in the mid-term elections. For Republican's sake, we ought to hope that they don't recognize it - the angrier the voter base is with them, the more of them will be out of a job in a few months.

While the winning of the Governor seats in New Jersey and Virginia were cause for hope for Republicans, this election is cause for unbridled celebration - it changes so many things and gives us a real chance at derailing the Obama agenda. It also allows those Democrats in the Senate who are against what Obama is doing the cover they need to vote against him - since the don't have 60 votes, no particular Democrat vote is critical to passage. One wonders if Ben Nelson (D-NE) would have committed political suicide like he did if he had known the results of this election ahead of time.

Rasmussen polling showed that 22% of Democrats in Mass who voted for Obama voted against him in this election. Unheard of, and indicative of the buyer's remorse many, many Democrats and Independents are feeling about putting this man in office.

Yesterday was a great day for America.

1 comment:

Margot said...

Lord I know! Isn't it something. I wanted to run out into the street and blow the horn on my car - especially as the neighbor across the street from me is a die hard Obama fan from Mass. It does speak volumes - but I believe the arrogant progressives in DC will just ignore the message and it might get ugly. But Scott Brown is a hero - truck and all.