Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Thieves Are Lining Up

Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) had been holding out as a key Democrat vote against Obamacare in the Senate. Sen. Nelson sold his vote to Obama/Reid for a concession for Nebraska. The concession is this - Medicaid taxes are going to skyrocket under Obamacare. All of the states are going to have to increase the amount they tax their citizens, and then turn around and send it to Washington - except Nebraska. Nelson got Nebraska an exemption from making such payments, which means that tax payers in all 49 other states will pay for Nebraskans' medicaid. No dollar figure is attached to this, but the estimates I've seen indicate this will amount to about $100,000,000 over the next decade.

Remember that Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) sold her vote for $300,000,000 in medicaid aid for her state.

Sen. Nelson, responding to criticism of his blatant dropping of his morals in order to cash in using his vote as collateral, responded by stating that three other Democrat Senators approached him on the Senate floor after announcement of the deal, telling him that now that they knew what they could get away with, they would go back to Reid and demand concessions.

Nebraska, Louisiana, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Massachussettes have all received sweetheart deals in the Obamacare bill in order to secure their Senators' votes.

So, like I stated before - our representatives in Congress selling their votes has been time honored thievery. However, it has been kept in the backroom, low key, and usually pretty minor. Leave it to the far left in this country to bring it out into the open, crow about their cleverness in using it, and reveling in all the taxpayer cash they are stealing from us.

It just makes you want to tar and feather every single one of them. Gitmo is too good to house these bastards!

"I think that's just incredibly inappropriate. ... That is the worst in politics. I don't believe most senators believe this is OK. ... I think it stinks. I think it's sleazy." - Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC)

Update - The stampede is well underway. Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) got a $100,000,000 pile of pork added to Obamacare to cement his vote. The money is to go to a new hospital project in his home state, where he is fighting a very tough re-election campaign.

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