Saturday, April 25, 2009

Cap and Trade is a Huge Tax Scam

In yesterday's final day of testimony before Waxman's Subcommittee on energy and the Environment, Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) candidly admitted that the key to Obama's environmental policy, something called cap and trade, is really a big new tax.

In this clip, Dingell outs it as a tax (even though no one in the administration is allowed to call it a tax), and then asks Algore whether he thought cap and trade or a straight carbon tax is better. Algore, not surprisingly, wants both. More taxes, more taxes, more taxes...

The scam of cap and trade is that the energy producers and users are supposed to pay the taxes to the government, which in turn will return it to the users to offset the much increased energy costs that will result from the taxes in the first place. What horsecrap. Does anyone in their right mind actually believe that Obama's government will give back tax money? Cap and trade is designed to punish energy producers and users financially, to hurt them so bad that it will force them to quit producing and using conventional energy sources. The far left hopes to use it to force the USA to develop and use more green energy sources.

The estimates I have seen show that cap and trade will double the costs of conventional energy - gasoline, heating oil, coal, electricity will all be twice as expensive as they are now, with all of the additional costs being in the form of taxes paid to the government.

The far left, as represented by Algore, wants even more carbon taxes heaped on our citizens, above and beyond cap and trade.

These people have no shame - they will not quit until everyone is turning 75% of their paychecks over to the government.

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