Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Howard Dean Goes Off His Rocker Again

Howard Dean, illustrious ex-Chairman of the DNC, ex-head of the Democrat party, has a history of saying the most idiotic things. Well, he's done it again, and this one is a real eye opener. Caught on tape from today's Stephanie Miller Show (which I admit to never have heard of):

Yes, he really does say that Republican members of the US Senate are out to kill Obama. He then stumbles all over himself trying to backtrack, but just succeeds in looking even more stupid. This is one of the leading voices in the Democrat Party - doesn't that make you feel good?

video link and dub courtesy 'The Radio Equalizer"


Anonymous said...

Do you believe it truly was a stupid faux pas, or was it an underhanded way to associate the bone head with the death threat (Aug 13) to the Republican agenda in the minds of those who hear Dean's comments?

Margot said...

He has been off his rocker for a long, long time.