Saturday, August 29, 2009

Thoughts On Ted Kennedy

I'm going to limit my discourse on the passing of Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) to three points.

First, the incredible hypocrisy of the left, who were trying to rename ObamaCare into the Ted Kennedy Memorial Health Reform Bill before his body was even cold - hoping to cash in on his passing with a little momentum for socialized health care. I have a better idea - Congress should pass the Ted Kennedy Memorial Drunk Driving Vehicular Manslaughter Mandatory Punishment Bill - this would mandate specific jail time and other punishments for those people who kill someone while driving drunk, regardless of how famous or well connected the drunk is.

Second, I have heard Kennedy referred to as many things over the past few days, but the one thing that really turned my stomach was that he was a great compromiser. Bullshit. Kennedy was the master of Northeast strongarm politics. He didn't compromise with anyone - he forced them to accept his stand, and then portrayed it as a compromise to convince the victim that they actually participated.

Third, Kennedy was the poster child for arrogant, liberal, Ivy League elitists - people who think they are so far above other folks that they don't have to follow any rules. This multi-millionaire protrayed himself as the friend of the blue collar worker - champion of organized labor - fighter for the little guy against 'the machine'... Bullshit - it was all a lie crafted to keep him in office.

I didn't like the man. I didn't like his politics. I didn't like where he wanted to take this country. Why should I pretend to fawn over his memory?


67Cougar said...

I started to delete the above comment - normally I don't want to subject my 'massive' audience to any advertising or links that I don't put up. However ... I went to this site, and it has some pretty good reading on it.

If you lean to the right pretty hard, you may find some stuff of interest at Foxwood's site.

Kath said...

Lately I've read a lot of things I used to think were people just being over-worried.

Not so sure anymore. And it can't hurt to just read. God forbid, it might make us think, too!