Friday, July 10, 2009

Pervert In Chief

Obama the Immaculate caught on camera scoping out a 16 year old junior delegate's butt at the G8 meeting in Italy.

Mainstream new media outlets are already trying to cover it up, saying how he was actually looking at the steps. Right .....

Shades of Obama's bow to the Saudi King .....
Update - You know, this will probably enhance his standing in the international community. I'm serious ... really .... I can't tell you how many foreign friends and acquaintances who told me their opinion of Bill Clinton went way up in the wake of all of his female scandals. A real leader ... A real man's man ... But at least Clinton's targets were all of age ....

1 comment:

Kath said...

Oh, they've already laughed this one off, didn't you know he was just simply turning around to offer his hand to the young lady behind him, so she could step down.

Tish, tosh, all done. We just laugh this off.

If this had been Bush -- OMG!!! We'd be having Congressional hearings over whether he's fit for office and is there an impending divorce.

This is Democrats for you. No matter what he does or says -- there is an excellent reason and you just don't understand it. (Geez, don't be getting all huffy with me!)

And now some fake-y sounding "group" is trying to go after the firefighter to show how bad he is. Hmmm, does this bring to mind Joe the Plumber?????